Tamil School students will have opportunity to participate in special events conducted by the parent organization Sastha Tamil Foundation such as Thirukurral Competition, Avvai Amudham , Pechu Potti , etc. which are conducted every year and cash prizes are given for reciting Thirukkurals. These special programs are conducted to improve the literary and prose skills of the students and are conducted with community involvement. In addition to encouraging students to participate parents can volunteer and support these events. Please check the websites and Varam Oru Thuli web weekly newsletter for updates on these events.
Registration for the academic year will open in the month of April every year. Registration forms can be filled online. Only online registrations are accepted. A onetime non-refundable fee is applicable and can be paid via on-line using credit card or check payable to “Sastha Tamil Foundation”.
Plano Tamil School uses its own course materials. For a detailed curriculum and grade level description refer to the Grade Level Description.
For detailed information about School Policies and Procedures, Please refer to the Parent Handbook and Student Handbook
Plano Tamil School classes are held on Sundays at Genstar Montessori, 10205 Custer Road, Plano, TX. Parents are expected to pick up their child within 15 minutes of class ending. Parents are requested to send a note to the classroom teacher or notify the teacher/school if they plan to pick up their child earlier. Refer to parent or student handbook for drop-off and pick-up policy.
All classes are conducted
@ Genstar Montessori 10205,
Custer Road, Plano, TX 75025.
Parent’s Handbook
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