Basket Brigade is built on a simple notion that one small act of generosity on the part of one caring person can make a massive difference in the lives of hundreds. Since 2011, Sastha Tamil Foundation (STF) is an Independent Non-Profit organization, voluntarily supporting Anthony Robbins’ International Basket Brigade program and serving people during Thanksgiving.
Many years ago, on a Thanksgiving Day, a poor family woke up with frustration and hopelessness. The parents were fighting due to the difficult situation. Their elder son felt devastated and depressed. He heard a loud knock at their door. When the boy opened the door, there was a man in wrinkled clothes carrying a basket full of food for a Thanksgiving feast. The man greeted the boy with a huge smile.
He said, “This is from someone who knows you’re loved and cared for”. Even though the father refused to accept the basket, the man said, “Look, I am just a delivery person” and he insisted and left the basket full of food for the family after wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving.
This boy is none other than Anthony Robbins. This impacted him to pass this gift on to people those who are in need during Thanksgiving.
STF helps less fortunate people in the DFW area. We do that by approaching different organizations and charities ahead of the Thanksgiving season to identify the potential recipients and their background(s) to make the right selection of the organization/charity.
Baskets are filled with wonderful Thanksgiving goodies like Turkey, Stuffing, Pie, Potatoes, Canned goods, Rice, Pasta, Fruits, Cookie, Cereal & Bread.
On top of that we add a special Thanksgiving note to the families in a nice card. Last year, we even gave the book “Notes from a Friend,” By Tony Robbins. This book could help change their lives for the better.
Volunteers are involved from the beginning to collect and arrange the baskets as per the details gathered from the Organizations/Charities. They then deliver it to the families on Thanksgiving Day. This experience changes volunteers’ lives in a very profound way. On top of food & clothing, it allows us to deliver love, care, hope and optimism to those people during Thanksgiving.
Join our STF community of friends and families for the opportunity to donate food, needed items or money. Volunteers can also donate their valuable time to serve the families in need during Thanksgiving. By giving to the community, you give to yourself and the experience is truly priceless and transformational. Join us and give yourself and the community this gift.
Basket Brigade is a really great opportunity where we got to go with our friends and serve our community. This activity really opened my eyes, and showed me how other people don’t get to have the privileges that we have during our Thanksgiving holidays. I fully support this cause and hope to do many more years volunteering for this cause.
I viewed the world differently after participating in Basket Brigade. I learned that there are people who are out there with no opportunities that I have. They have no education, home, money or food. After giving to these people, I felt proud of myself. I felt thankful to have a family, money, food & proper clothing. Basket Brigade changed my life, and the lives of the people in need.
Helping with Basket Brigade by arranging and delivering baskets for basket brigade is an moment I will never forget. Creating the baskets with basic necessities and delivering them to the people that needed the care was an amazing experience and I now realize not to take things for granted and to be thankful for everything. I really look forward to helping with basket brigade next time the event takes place.
*Disclaimer - If you feel the necessity for your photo or your family member’s photo to be removed from this website, please contact us.
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